CPCECPR Conference 2025 – Parallel Sessions (II)

Afternoon Sessions (14:20 – 16:00)

Time Room 1 (N101)Theme: Pedagogical Practices

Session Chair: Ms Phoebe SIU (LC)

Room 2 (N102)Theme: Research in Teaching and Learning/ Pedagogical Practices

Session Chair: Dr Adam Wong (SEHS)

Room 3 (N103)*Theme: Research in Teaching and Learning

Session Chair: Dr Frieda Kwok (LC)

14:20-14:40 University EAP Students’ Perception of Perusall: An Annotated Reading Platform

Frankie HAR (PolyU ELC)

Examining the Role of AI Relevance and AI Confidence in the Relationship between AI Literacy and Business Student Readiness

Joseph Lok-Man LEE, Helen Shun-Mun WONG, Chammy Yan-Lam LAU (PolyU CPCE)

Rethinking and Redesigning Business Translation Course in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Yixing LIU, Bing LI (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)

14:40-15:00 GenAI as a writing instructor assistant

Joshua LEE (University of Macau)

Innovating Business Education: A Case for Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Learning

Chammy LAU, Helen WONG, Hester CHOW (PolyU CPCE); Amy LUI (Independent Researcher)

Innovative AI Storytelling Framework: Transforming Creativity in Secondary Education

Justin LAU (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong)

15:00-15:20 The Ways You Make Me Feel: Digital Storytelling as Translanguaging in Hong Kong for Higher Education

Phoebe SIU (PolyU CPCE)

Lessons Learned from Developing Three Generations of Chatbot for Student Support

Adam WONG (PolyU CPCE)

Co-learning in YouTube English teaching videos

Jenifer HO, Janice ZENG (PolyU)

15:20-15:40 Supervising and Writing Taught Masters’ Dissertations with Generative AI

Gary WONG (University of Leeds)

Rethinking Sexuality Education in Hong Kong: Fostering Safe and Engaging Online Spaces for Intimate Classroom Discourse

Kimberly TAO, Prof. Steve Walsh, Simon CHUNG (PolyU CPCE)

GenAI and its transformative impact on professional communication practices: A case study#


15:40-16:00 Mitigating Speaking Anxiety in Year One EAP Students: An AI-Enhanced Shadowing Approach

Yi DAI, Ping YAN (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)

Enhancing Academic Integrity in Digital Learning: A Proposal for Comprehensive Plagiarism Checks in Project Submissions

Rizwan Ahmed KANGO, Umair Mujtaba QURESHI (Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Integrating generative AI with the PAA model and 4T Lenses in ESP: PechaKucha presentations to enhance student agency, criticality, open-endedness and novelty#

Vicent BELTRAN-PALANQUES (Universitat Jaume I), Mercedes QUEROL-JULIÁN (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja); Angel LIN (Education University of Hong Kong)

* There are two invited online presentations in this room.
# Invited online presentation