Representative Research Publications

Journal Articles

Names of Members and Associate Members Publications
Dr Elaine CHAN A. H. Wut, T. M., Shun-mun Wong, H., Ka-man Sum, C., & Ah-heung Chan, E. (2024). Does institution support matter? Blended learning approach in the higher education sector. Education and Information Technologies, 29 (12), 15133–15145.
Dr Zoe CHAN K. L. Shi, H., Chan, K., Wu, W., & Cheung, L. (2024). Enhancing students’ L2 writing skills online: a case study of an introductory English literature course for ESL students. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 4(1), 143-167.
Dr Eric CHEUNG L. M. Cheung, L. M. E. (2024). Evaluative patterns in the concluding components of expounding essays: From the perspectives of Rhetorical Structure Theory and APPRAISAL. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 16(1), 32-59.
Cheung, L. M. E., Ma, Q., & Sun, D. (2024). Exploring undergraduate students’ learning experience and engagement in synchronous online teaching supported by corpus-based language pedagogy. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 018.
Lau, Y. Y., & Cheung, L. M. E. (2024). Faculty perceptions on managerial changes in a sub-degree institution in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Education Review, 25(4), 897-909.
Shi, H., Chan, K., Wu, W., & Cheung, L. M. E. (2024). Enhancing students’ L2 writing skills online: a case study of an introductory English literature course for ESL students. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 4(1), 143-167.
Shi, H. W., & Cheung L. M. E. (2024). Storytelling for understanding: a case study of an English-language digital storytelling service-learning subject for refugee children in Hong Kong. Journal of Multicultural Education.
Forey, G. & Cheung, L. M. E. (2019). The benefits of explicit teaching of language for curriculum learning in the Physical Education classroom. Journal of English for Specific Purposes, 54, 91-109.
Lee, J. S. Y., Cheung, L. M. E., Saberi, D., & Webster, J. (2019). Expanding students’ registerial repertoire with a writing assistance tool. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 42, 10077.
Cheung, L. M. E. (2015). Legitimising knowers’ multiple voices in L2 postgraduate writing. TESOL International Journal, 10(1), 61-72.
Dr Joseph LAU Y. Y. Lau, Y. Y., Tang, Y. M., Chau, K. Y., & Ho, Y. H. (2021). Pilot study of heartbeat sensors for data streaming in virtual reality (VR) training. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15(3), 30-41.
Chan, I., & Lau, Y. Y. (2021). Learning from the greats: Identifying three knowledge sharing pillars to direct knowledge management initiatives in higher education institutions. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15(2), 415-430.
Tang, Y. M., Chen, P. C., Law, K. M. Y., Wu, C. H., Lau, Y. Y., Guan J, He, D., & Ho, G. T. S. (2021). Comparative studies for students’ readiness in live online learning during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in higher education sector, Computers & Education, 168, 104211.
Lau, Y. Y., Dragomir, C., Tang, Y. M., & Ng, A. K. Y. (2021). Maritime undergraduate students: Career expectations and choices. Sustainability, 13, 4297-4315.
Chan, I., Lau, Y. Y., & Lee, W. S. W. (2020). Adoption of knowledge creation model in team-based project to support student engagement. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(11), 1-15.
He, D., Zheng, M., Cheng, W., Lau, Y. Y., & Yin, Q. (2019). Interaction between higher education outputs and industrial structure evolution: Evidence from Hubei Province, China. Sustainability, 11(10), 2923-2941.
Lau, Y. Y., & Ng, A. K. Y. (2015). The motivations and expectations of students pursuing maritime education. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 14, 313-331.
Dr Vincent LAW T. S. Law, V. T. S., Yee, H. H. L., Ng, T. K. C., & Fong, B. Y. F. (2022). Transition from traditional to online learning in Hong Kong tertiary educational institutions during COVID-19 pandemic. Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Dr Daisy LEE S. M. Montano, S., Gill-Simmen, L., Lee, D., Walsh, L., Duffy, D., & Newman, N. (2023). Assessing authentically –learnings from marketing educators. Journal of Marketing Management, 1-33.  (SJR: Q1)
Wong, A., Lee, D., & Chan, C. (2022). Do school reputation and price matter? The choice for continuing education in acquiring digital skills by adult learners. Education and Information Technologies, 27(9), 12495-12521. (SJR: Q1)
Wut, T. M., Xu, J., Lee, S. W., & Lee, D. (2022). University student readiness and its effect on intention to participate in the flipped classroom setting of hybrid learning. Education Sciences, 12(7), 442. (SJR: Q2)
Ng, P., Lee, D., Wong, P., & Lam, R. (2020). Making a higher education institution choice: differences in the susceptibility to online information on students’ advice- seeking behavior. Online Information Review, 44(4), 847-861.
Wong, P., Lee, D., Ng, P., & Lam, R. (2019). Examining the impact of perceived source credibility on attitudes and intentions towards taking advice from others on university choice. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(4), 709-724.
Wong, P., Lee, D., & Ng, P. (2018). Online search for information about universities: a Hong Kong study. International Journal of Educational Management, 32(3), 511-524.
Dr Joseph LEE L. M. Lee, J. L. M., Cheng, C. W. O., & Liu, V. S. W. (2022). Core Chinese cultural values: Perceived justice and post-recovery satisfaction in higher education services, Service Business, 16, 743-770.
Mr Noble LO P. K. Chan, S., & Lo, N. (2024). Enhancing EFL/ESL instruction through gamification: a comprehensive review of empirical evidence. Frontiers in Education, 9, Article 1395155.
Lo, N., & Shi, H. (2024). The perceptions of undergraduate students toward reading contemporary fiction in English: a case study of content-based ESL instruction at a self-financed tertiary institution in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Education, 9, Article 1395168.
Lo, N. P.-K. (2024). Cross-cultural comparative analysis of student motivation and autonomy in learning: perspectives from Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Education, 9, Article 1393968.
Lo, N. P.-k. (2024). From Theory to Practice: Unveiling the Synergistic Potential of Design and Maker Education in Advancing Learning. SN Computer Science, 5, Article 360.
Lo, N. P. K., Bremner, P. A. M., & Forbes-McKay, K. E. (2024). Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Education, 8(1334357).
Lo, N. P.-K. (2024). The Confluence of Digital Literacy and Eco-Consciousness: Harmonizing Digital Skills with Sustainable Practices in Education. Platforms, 2(1), 15-32.
Lo, N. (2023). Emotional Bridge in Higher Education: Enhancing Self-Efficacy and Achievement through Hybrid Engagement. ESP Review, 5(2), 7-23.
Lo, N. P. K. (2023). Digital learning and the ESL online classroom in higher education: teachers’ perspectives. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 8(1), Article 24.
Lo, N. P. K., & To, B. K. H. (2023). The transformation of identity of secondary school teachers: Professional development and English language education strategies in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cogent Education, 10(1).
Lo, N., & To, B. (2022). English Education Training and Practice in Secondary Schools During and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong. ESP Review, 4(2), 23-46.
Chan, S., & Lo, N. (2022). Teachers’ and Students’ Perception of Gamification in Online Tertiary Education Classrooms During the Pandemic. SN Computer Science, 3(3), Article 215.
Chan, S., & Lo, N. (2022). Gamification in Virtual Learning in Tertiary Classrooms. International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 8(1), 5-13.
Lo, N. P. K. (2022). Case Study of EAP Assessments and the Affective Advantages of Student Enjoyment in Hong Kong Higher Education. Journal of Asia TEFL, 19(3), 1088-1097.
Dr Angel LI J. Li, J. & Jiang, L. (2024). Understanding changes in learner engagement with peer feedback giving in EFL writing: A longitudinal study. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 83, Article 101391.
Dr SHI H. W. Shi, H., Chan, K., Wu, W., & Cheung, L. (2024). Enhancing students’ L2 writing skills online: a case study of an introductory English literature course for ESL students. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 4(1), 143-167.
Lo, N., & Shi, H. (2024). The perceptions of undergraduate students toward reading contemporary fiction in English: a case study of content-based ESL instruction at a self-financed tertiary institution in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Education, 9, Article 1395168.
Shi, H. W., & Cheung L. M. E. (2024). Storytelling for understanding: a case study of an English-language digital storytelling service-learning subject for refugee children in Hong Kong. Journal of Multicultural Education.
Dr Angela TAM C. F. Tam, C. F. A. (2024). Feedback providers’ contributions of and benefits from engaging in online peer micro-teaching feedback practices. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-18.
Tam, C. F. A. (2024). Interacting with ChatGPT for internal feedback and factors affecting feedback quality. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-17.
Tam, C. F. A. (2024). Teacher Engagement in Professional Learning Communities in preschool contexts. Teachers and Teaching, 1-21.
Tam, C. F. A. (2023). Evolution of feedback ecology: reshaping students’ conceptions and practices in feedback literacy. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 49(3), 376-391.
Tam, C. F. A., & Au-Yeung, K. Y. G. (2023). Exploring students’ strategy-related beliefs and their mediation on strategies to act on feedback in L2 writing. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(7), 1038–1052.
Tam, A. C. F. (2022). Students’ perceptions of and learning practices in online timed take-home examinations during Covid-19. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(3), 477-492.
Tam, A. C. F. (2021). Undergraduate students’ perceptions of and responses to exemplar-based dialogic feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(2), 269-285.
Dr Kimberly TAO W. Y. Tao, K. W. Y., & Chung, S. S. M. (2022). Breaking the silence: unpacking students’ journeys in sexuality discussions in Hong Kong classrooms. Sex Education, 23(2), 203–211.
Dr Edmund WUT T. M. Wut, T. M., Ng, P. M. L., & Low, M. P. (2024). Engaging university students in online learning: a regional comparative study from the perspective of social presence theory. Journal of Computers in Education, 11(3), 763-789.
Wut, T. M., Shun-mun Wong, H., Ka-man Sum, C., & Ah-heung Chan, E. (2024). Does institution support matter? Blended learning approach in the higher education sector. Education and Information Technologies, 29 (12), 15133–15145.
Wut, T. M., Lee, S. W., & Xu, J. (2022). How do Facilitating Conditions Influence Student-to-Student Interaction within an Online Learning Platform? A New Typology of the Serial Mediation Model. Education Sciences, 12(5), 337-351. Article 337.
Wut, T. M., Wong, S. M. H., & Sum, C. K. (2022). A study of continuance use intention of an on online learning system after Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic outbreak. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-15.
Ng, P. M. L., Wut, T. M., & Chan, J. K. Y. (2022). Enhancing perceived employability through work-integrated learning. Education and Training, 64(4), 559-576.
Wut, T. M., Xu, J., Lee, S. W., & Lee, D. (2022). University student readiness and its effect on intention to participate in the flipped classroom setting of hybrid learning. Education Sciences, 12(7), 442. (SJR: Q2)
Wut, T. M., & Xu, J. B. (2021). Person-to-person interactions in online classroom settings under the impact of COVID-19: Perspective from social presence theory. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22, 371-383.
Dr Bill XU J. Xu, J., Tavitiyaman, P., Kim, H. J., & Lo, S. K. J. (2022). Hospitality and tourism higher education in the post-COVID era: is it time to change? Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 34(4), 278-290.
Wut, T. M., Xu, J., Lee, S. W., & Lee, D. (2022). University student readiness and its effect on intention to participate in the flipped classroom setting of hybrid learning. Education Sciences, 12(7), 442. (SJR: Q2)
Wut, T. M., & Xu, J. B. (2021). Person-to-person interactions in online classroom settings under the impact of COVID-19: Perspective from social presence theory. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22, 371-383.
Dr Helen YEH W. M. Yeh, H. W. M. (2022). Effects of Diagnostic Tests on Self-Directed Language Learning Development. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 12(1), 1-15.

Conference Papers

Names of Members and Associate Members Publications
Dr Eric CHEUNG L. M. Shi, H. W., & Cheung L. M. E. (2023). Storytelling for understanding: Refugee children in Hong Kong: A unique intersection of service-learning, personal narratives, and second language acquisition, Celebrating ELT in Asia: Visions and Aspirations, the 21st AsiaTEFL International Conference (AsiaTEFL 2023), Daejeon, Korea.
Shi, H. W. & Cheung L. M. E. (2022). A duoethnography of planning and developing a digital storytelling service-learning subject during the covid-19 pandemic, The 4th International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL2022), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Dr Daisy LEE S. M. Lee, D. (July 2021). The use of gamified online exercises, Google and Facebook certifications, and authentic assessments in undergraduate digital marketing curriculum. Academy of Marketing 2021 Conference, Online.
Wong, K. L., & Lee, D. (March 2021). Factors affecting the choice of modes of learning by employees to acquire digital skills. 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Online.
Mr Noble LO P. K. Lo, N. P., & Punzalan, C. H. (2024). Exploring the Role of Positive Psychology in Higher Education: Examining Elements that Enable or Impede Language Educator Well-being. In E. Li, F. Lee, & K. C. Li (Eds.), ICLLS 2024 Conference Proceedings (pp. 74-89)
Lo, N., & Wong, M. A. (2023). Teacher perceptions of recorded lessons as learning instruments at Hong Kong universities. In E. Tsang, K. C. Li, & P. Wang (Eds.), ICOIE 2023 Conference Proceedings (pp. 77-95). Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Lo, N., & To, B. K. H. (2022). Perceptions of continuing professional development and self-identity among secondary school English language teachers in Hong Kong during COVID-19. In E. Tsang, K. C. Li, & P. Wang (Eds.), ICOIE 2022 Conference Proceedings (pp. 397-410). Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Chan, S., & Lo, N. (2021). Impacts of gamification in remote learning in tertiary education. In ICSLT 2021: Proceedings of the 2021 7th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies (pp. 26-34). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Lo, N., & Chan, S. (2021). Online English language teaching in Hong Kong higher education during COVID-19. In ICSLT 2021: Proceedings of the 2021 7th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies (pp. 6-10). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Dr Chammy LAU Y. L. Lau, Y. L. C. & To, J. (2021, June 24-26). Exploring the use of experimental learning using a 3D virtual reality tour-guiding platform: a case of post- secondary students in Hong Kong, HKAECT International Conference 2021: A New Paradigm for Digital Communication and Learning: Changes and Challenges. The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR, China
Dr Joseph LAU Y. Y. Lau, Y. Y., Chan, I., & Sum, C. (2021). Nurturing sub-degree students with professionalism – An experience to instill growth mindset and self-determination through competition, The Qualitative Report Conference, Florida, USA.
Dr May LAU M. M. Chow, Y. T., Lam, Y. C. A., Lau, M. M., & Chin, I. O. K. (2024, March 25-29). Service learning in business education: Expectation and reality [Paper presentation]. The 10th Asian Conference & International Development (ACEID), sponsored by the International Academic Forum (iafor), Tokyo, Japan.
Lau, M. M., Chan, J. K. Y., & Ng, M. L. P. (2024, March 18-20). Can online collaborative learning foster knowledge sharing among students?, The 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2024) (pp. 307-311), Yamaguchi, Japan.
Lau, M. M., Lam, A. Y. C., Cheng, W. O., & Yuen, S. M. (2023, March 27-30). The importance of entrepreneurial training for post-pandemic era in Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The 9th Asian Conference & International Development (ACEID), sponsored by the International Academic Forum (iafor), Tokyo, Japan.
Dr Joseph LEE L. M. Lee, J. L. M. & Lau, C. (2023, November). The future of medical and health tourism education in Macau, Hospitality and Tourism Education Symposium (HTE), Macao Polytechnic University, Macau, China.
Lau, C., Tang W., & Lee, J. L. M. (2023, June). A study of business students’ information literacy skills development: Supporting self-directed learning readiness for final year undergraduate projects, The International Conference on Modern Educational Technology (ICMET 2023), University of Saint Joseph, Macau, China.
Dr Esther TONG K. M. Tong, E. K. M., & Chan, I. W. S. (2023). Development of oral English competence through immersive metaverse-based audio dialoguing: In-game to real life. In R.J. Dickey & H.K. Lee (Eds.), AsiaTEFL Proceedings 2023: Papers from the 21st AsiaTEFL Conference (pp. 879-892). AsiaTEFL.  (ISBN: 979-11-982534-0-8) Available:
Nah, F.F.H.; Shen, D.J.D.; Techanamurthy, U.; Tong, E.K.M.; Geng, H.H.Y.; Pangsapa, P.; Chew, S.Y.; & Omar, B. (2022). Enhancing literacy education with narrative richness in the metaverse. SIGHCI 2022 Proceedings. 20.
Dr SHI H. W. Shi, H. W., & Cheung L. M. E. (2023). Storytelling for understanding: Refugee children in Hong Kong: A unique intersection of service-learning, personal narratives, and second language acquisition, Celebrating ELT in Asia: Visions and Aspirations, the 21st AsiaTEFL International Conference (AsiaTEFL 2023), Daejeon, Korea.
Shi, H. W. & Cheung L. M. E. (2022). A duoethnography of planning and developing a digital storytelling service-learning subject during the covid-19 pandemic, The 4th International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL2022), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Other Scholarly Outputs

Names of Members and Associate Members Publications
Dr Eric CHEUNG L. M. Cheung, L. M. E. (2024). “Changing lanes”: balancing between roles of EAP teacher and researcher in a teaching institution towards a research university. In A. Ding, & L. Monbec (Eds.), Practitioner Agency and Identity in EAP (pp. 186-204). Bloomsbury.
Mr Noble LO P. K. Lo, N., & Chan, S. (2024). Gamification for Higher Education Applications: A Social Learning Theory Approach. In T. Martindale, T. B. Amankwatia, L. Cifuentes, & A. A. Piña (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Online Learning: Insights and Advances (pp. 576-610). Brill.
Tso, A. W. B., Chan, W. W. L., Ng, S. K. K., Bai, T. S., & Lo, N. P. K. (Eds.) (2023). Critical Reflections on ICT and Education: Selected Papers from the HKAECT 2023 International Conference. (Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook). Springer Singapore.
Chan, S., & Lo, N. (2023). Is extra English for academic purposes (EAP) support required for degree holders pursuing master programmes in less familiar fields? In W. B. A. Tso, K. K. S. Ng, L. H. L. Law, & S. T. Bai (Eds.), The Post-pandemic Landscape of Education and Beyond: Innovation and Transformation (pp. 43-59). Springer Singapore.
Lo, N., & Chan, S. (2023). Lecturers’ practices and perceptions on the effectiveness of feedback in the assessment of academic writing in Hong Kong. In W. B. A. Tso, K. K. S. Ng, L. H. L. Law, & S. T. Bai (Eds.), The Post-pandemic Landscape of Education and Beyond: Innovation and Transformation (pp. 60-75). Springer Singapore.
Lo, N. P. K., & Wong, A. M. H. (2023). Reimagining teaching and learning in higher education in the post-COVID-19 era: The use of recorded lessons from teachers’ perspectives. In A. W. B. Tso, W. W. L. Chan, S. K. K. Ng, T. S. Bai, & N. P. K. Lo (Eds.), Critical Reflections on ICT and Education: Selected Papers from the HKAECT 2023 International Conference (1 ed., pp. 215-230). (Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook). Springer Singapore.
Lo, N. P. K., & To, B. K. H. (2023). The importance of English in primary school education in China: Perception of teachers in post-Covid-19 hybrid classrooms. In A. W. B. Tso, W. W. L. Chan, S. K. K. Ng, T. S. Bai, & N. P. K. Lo (Eds.), Critical Reflections on ICT and Education: Selected Papers from the HKAECT 2023 International Conference (1 ed., pp. 231-253). (Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook). Springer Singapore.
Lo, N. P. K., & Chan, S. (2022). Teaching in the time of Corona (Virus): A cross-institutional study of online English language teaching in Hong Kong higher education. In A. W. B. Tso, A. C. Chan, W. W. L. Chan, P. E. Sidorko, & W. W. K. Ma (Eds.), Digital Communication and Learning (pp. 125-142). Springer Singapore.
Dr Cecilia PUN F. K. Tong, E. K. M., Pun, C., & Siu, P. (2023). Enhancing disciplinary learning experience through an adjunct English-across-the-curriculum model. In T. Slater (Ed.). Social practices in higher education: A knowledge framework approach to linguistic research and teaching. Equinox.
Dr SHI H. W. Wu, W. L., Ma, Q., Shi, H. W., & Tong, E. K. M. (2023). Emergency online teaching: Voices of Hong Kong CALL lecturers. In D. Tafazoli & M. Pichard (Ed.). Handbook of CALL teacher education and professional development: Voices from Under-Represented Contexts. Springer Nature.
Ms Phoebe SIU L. Y. Tong, E. K. M., Pun, C., & Siu, P. (2023). Enhancing disciplinary learning experience through an adjunct English-across-the-curriculum model. In T. Slater (Ed.). Social practices in higher education: A knowledge framework approach to linguistic research and teaching. Equinox.
Siu, P. L. Y., Tong, E. K. M., & Xuan, W. (2023). From poiesis to praxis:  Multimodal orchestration for social science-specific meaning-making flow in higher education. In V. Beltrán-Palanques & E. Bernad-Mechó. (Ed.). Current trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education (Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education). Routledge.
Dr Kimberly TAO W. Y. Tao, K. (2024) Legal Categorization of “Transgender”: An Analysis of Statutory Interpretation of “Sex”, “Man”, and “Woman” in Transgender Jurisprudence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dr Esther TONG K. M. Tong, E. K. M., Pun, C., & Siu, P. (2023). Enhancing disciplinary learning experience through an adjunct English-across-the-curriculum model. In T. Slater (Ed.). Social practices in higher education: A knowledge framework approach to linguistic research and teaching. Equinox.
Siu, P. L. Y., Tong, E. K. M., & Xuan, W. (2023). From poiesis to praxis:  Multimodal orchestration for social science-specific meaning-making flow in higher education. In V. Beltrán-Palanques & E. Bernad-Mechó. (Ed.). Current trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education (Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education). Routledge.
Wu, W. L., Ma, Q., Shi, H. W., & Tong, E. K. M. (2023). Emergency online teaching: Voices of Hong Kong CALL lecturers. In D. Tafazoli & M. Pichard (Ed.). Handbook of CALL teacher education and professional development: Voices from Under-Represented Contexts. Springer Nature.