Message from the Dean

CPCE has always prided itself on delivering good teaching. Results of the annual Student Barometer conducted by the independent research company “igraduate” have consistently shown that the quality of our teaching and learning is above global and Asian benchmark on many aspects. The most recent Audit Report from the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee also commended PolyU and CPCE for “the sound approach to setting and maintaining academic standards”, “the high quality physical learning and e-learning environments”, “the outcome-based assessment”, and “the comprehensive personal and career development services provided”.

However, we cannot be complacent. There are challenges arising from the expectation of more student-centred learning, from online teaching, blended learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Service-Learning, etc. We, therefore, have decided to establish the CPCE Centre for Pedagogic Research (CPCECPR) to further improve and innovate in teaching and learning.

Many CPCE colleagues have been active in doing pedagogical and education related research for a long time. Over the years, we have secured many external grants for teaching and learning related projects from the Education Bureau such as the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) and the Quality Education Fund (QEF), the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Jockey Club as well as the Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) of the Research Grants Council, to name just a few. Last year, funding for teaching related projects totaled more than HK$10 million. CPCECPR will be the home for these projects.  It will provide a focal point for like-minded colleagues to foster greater synergy to achieve even greater excellence in teaching and learning.

Peter P. Yuen, PhD
Professor and Dean
College of Professional and Continuing Education