Research Highlights

Completed Projects

Title Funding Amount Funding Source Duration Principal Investigator/ Project Coordinator
Teaching Undergraduate Social Sciences and Business Writing: Integrating the Reader’s Perspective and Data-driven Teaching and Learning Approach HK$654,335 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Self-financing Degree Sector January 2023 – January 2025 Dr Eric CHEUNG
Development of a Web-based Remote Laboratory for Science and Engineering Education * HK$2,399,200 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) October 2021 – September 2024 Dr Anthony LOH
The Science of Design Thinking: Theories and Applications HK$488,519 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Self-financing Degree Sector January 2023 – June 2024 Dr Zerance NG
Development of Virtual Reality (VR) Systems for Business and Tourism Education * HK$6,176,000 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) January 2022 – December 2023 Dr Peggy NG
Cantonese Abilities of Chinese Mainland University Students in Hong Kong: Testing Their Grammatical and Communicative Competence HK$619,143.80 Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) September 2021 – August 2023 Dr Ding, Hongdi
Improve Student Learning Effectiveness by Helping Teachers to Understand and Implement Blended Learning * HK$1,863,496 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) January 2021 – December 2022 Dr Wong, Adam
International Experiential Learning and Application: Global Work-integrated Education (Global-WIE) and idea Generation Laboratory (iG-Lab) * HK$5,971,600 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) September 2020 – August 2023 Dr Wong, Macy
Jockey Club Project Well-being HK$6,610,000 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust September 2020 – August 2022 Mr Chang, Hoi-wood
Comprehensive Support Services for Students with Special Educational Needs * HK$2,018,274 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) October 2019 – September 2021 Dr Hung, Kwok-wah
Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Competencies in Teaching Business-related Subjects in the Digital Era * HK$1,934,285 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) January 2019 – February 2021 Dr Wong, Phoebe
Enhancing Students’ Academic Engagement in Mathematics through a Bilingual Integrated “Concept + Language Mapping” Approach * HK$2,367,710 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) November 2018 – October 2021 Dr Chan, Lorena
Means to an End: Employability Competency Development in Work-Integrated Education (Project ECD-WIE Office) * HK$4,384,695 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) September 2017 – February 2021 Dr Wong, Macy
Building a Sustainable Internship Attachment Scheme and Global Perspective on Career Development for Sub-degree Students * HK$3,413,826 Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) September 2017 – December 2020 Dr So, Joseph
Supporting Students Academic Discourse Development in Sub-degree Programmes: An Adjunct Language-across-the-curriculum Instructional Model HK$800,000 SCOLAR Research and Development Project, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research February 2016 – January 2018 Dr Tong, Esther

Development of a Web-based Remote Laboratory for Science and Engineering Education funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

The learning and teaching of science/engineering subjects face a big challenge under the COVID-19 pandemic because all face-to-face laboratory works in school have been suspended. Since laboratory works are essential and critical elements to science and engineering education, teachers have to try other means such as performing demonstration, simulation or virtual laboratory to relief the effect. However, these alternative forms of teaching might not effectively provide students with real-time hands-on learning experience as they could not see and directly control the laboratory apparatus in “real” time. Hence, through developing a web-based remote laboratory for science and engineering education, this project aims to facilitate students’ independent learning, enhance their learning experience, and solve the adverse effect created by the suspension of face-to-face laboratory works.
The project team – (from left) Dr Ricky Mak, Dr Ken Tsang, Dr Anthony Loh, and Dr Kenneth Lo

Please click here to explore more for the remote laboratory.

The project team announced the opening of the HKCC Remote Laboratory in September 2024.

Please click here to visit the HKCC Remote Laboratory.

Development of Virtual Reality (VR) Systems for Business and Tourism Education funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

There is a genuine need for students to enrich their interactive and immersive learning as well as to equip their up-to-date knowledge of digital technologies. Aiming at enhancing students’ motivation and delivering quality education in the digital era, this theme-based project will establish immersive VR systems with virtual and augmented reality simulations for all business and tourism students of SPEED and HKCC, enabling them to learn their academic subjects in more interactive ways. For more details about the project, please visit the project website.

The seminar “Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Revolution in B2B Marketing” was successfully held on PolyU West Kowloon Campus on 1 June 2022.

Cantonese Abilities of Chinese Mainland University Students in Hong Kong: Testing Their Grammatical and Communicative Competence funded by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research

The project investigates the Cantonese abilities of non-Cantonese-speaking mainland university students in Hong Kong. It also aims to find out the threshold grammatical competence which the learners need to adequately support their communicative or conversational abilities.

Improve Student Learning Effectiveness by Helping Teachers to Understand and Implement Blended Learning

This project aims to improve student learning effectiveness by helping teachers to understand and implement blended learning (BL) at PolyU SPEED. Teachers from other self-financed higher education institutions will also be invited to join the project activities. For more details about the project, please visit here.

International Experiential Learning and Application: Global Work-integrated Education (Global-WIE) and idea Generation Laboratory (iG-Lab)

This project aims to offer students offshore internships and related activities to experience the working culture in the Chinese Mainland and the world, embark on new practical experiences and join regional/international events. The “idea Generation Laboratory” (iG-Lab) will be set up to foster international experiential learning and application; it will also act as a facilitator and a promoter to encourage students to proactively grasp and leverage future opportunities associated with world’s fast-growing economy. For more details about the project, please visit here.
A glance around the iG-Lab

Jockey Club Project Well-being

This two-year project aims at achieving well-being through place-making in the local primary and secondary school environment. Good design of school environment has positive impact on educational outcomes as well as process, both within the curriculum and beyond. It influences well-being through helping students, staff and parents to create a sense of ownership and belongings to their school, prompting positive social interaction and a healthy lifestyle. A total of 15 sites of place-making would be completed through co-creation, engagement of stakeholders, design thinking and participatory design process. Guidebook, exhibition, public talks and video documentaries will be delivered.

Comprehensive Support Services for Students with Special Educational Needs funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

This project aims at providing customised and individualised support for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), equipping them with psychological readiness and practical experiences, and preparing them to have a smooth transition to advanced study in tertiary institutions and future career development. The project shall adopt a holistic approach to cover the support for SEN students in different dimensions. It will help the students to achieve their academic goals and better prepare them for lifelong planning. Training to teachers and student counsellors will be provided to enhance individual academic advice and career facilitation.
For more details about the project, please visit here.

Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Competencies in Teaching Business-related Subjects in the Digital Era funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

(from CPCE annual report 2018-19)

The project, “Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Competencies in Teaching Business-related Subjects in the Digital Era”, received funding of over HK$1.9 million from the QESS. Led by Dr Phoebe Wong, Senior Lecturer, the project team also comprised Dr Peggy Ng and Dr Calvin Wan, Senior Lecturers, Dr Lo Man-fung and Dr Jack Chow, Lecturers, as well as academics from other local tertiary education institutions.
(from cspe:

Due to unprecedented technological advancement, the digitalisation of business has rapidly developed, presenting teachers with both opportunities and challenges when delivering business and business-related subjects. There is a genuine need for teachers to enhance not only their academic qualifications, but also their professional competency when it comes to delivering up-to-date knowledge of digital technologies to students in the classroom. Through organising a series of seminars and workshops, and inviting industry practitioners to share their industrial insights, this project aims to strengthen teachers’ professional competencies in understanding the latest concepts and applications of digital technologies.

Seminar on “Strategies for Digital Marketing & Social Media Success” held on 27 May 2019

Enhancing Students’ Academic Engagement in Mathematics through a Bilingual Integrated “Concept + Language Mapping” Approach funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme unded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

The project aims at providing remedial integrated content and language support to help students, particularly those with a lower level of numeracy and/or with Chinese-Medium Instruction (CMI) learning experience, to cope with the learning challenges in the compulsory English-medium mathematics and/or statistics subjects, and to enhance students’ mathematical ability, analytical skills and numerical sense.

For more details about the project, please visit here.
(From left) Dr Lorena Chan, Dr Esther Tong and Dr Jodie Lee

Means to an End: Employability Competency Development in Work-Integrated Education (Project ECD-WIE Office) funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

(from CSPE:

In response to industry’s call for work-ready graduates, Work-Integrated Education (WIE) has been an important component for the students before their graduation in our institution. Through the Project ECD-WIE Office, we aimed to enhance students’ authentic work practices and employability competences, and in turn, graduates’ job-readiness and employability. The Project ECD-WIE Office arranged career-related and competency development activities (e.g. work placements, internship opportunities, job shadowing, career talks and the like) for students to transfer to the workplace and thus, contribute to higher employability. Moreover, it could help arouse student awareness to better equip and position themselves in the Hong Kong labour market.

Internship in Alibaba

Company visit to DDB

Building a Sustainable Internship Attachment Scheme and Global Perspective on Career Development for Sub-degree Students funded by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme

(from CSPE:

This project aimed at providing sub-degree students with adequate training before starting their internship. It was expected to help students understand their interests and expertise, enhance their knowledge for employment, and strengthen their practical skills in managing employers’ expectations. The training programmes included career aptitude assessment, company visits, pre-employment skills and work behaviours training, and individual guidance, etc.

Supporting Students Academic Discourse Development in Sub-degree Programmes: An Adjunct Language-across-the-curriculum Instructional Model funded by SCOLAR Research and Development Project, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research

(from 2015-16 CPCE Annual Report)

The project, “Supporting Students’ Academic Discourse Development in Sub-degree Programmes: An Adjunct Language-across-the-curriculum Instructional Model”, secured HK$800,000 in funding from SCOLAR in November 2015. The project was led by Dr Esther Tong, Division Head of Division of Languages and Communication, with lecturers Dr Cecilia Pun and Ms Phoebe Siu serving as the Co-Is.

This project aimed to prepare students with modest English proficiency for learning through English as a second/additional language in the English-medium sub-degree programmes. The findings define what constitutes sufficient language proficiency students are required to use to learn in their study disciplines and to participate in the corresponding disciplinary discourse communities in higher education. To help students meet the language demands of the target academic programmes identified in the first phase of the study, the research team developed an adjunct language-across-the-curriculum instructional model and examined the effectiveness of this model in aiding students’ development of academic discourse prerequisite to academic success in their field of study in three sub-degree programme, namely Associate in Business (Tourism Management), Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Sociology and Culture) and Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. The results of this study have offered a linguistic account of sub-degree students’ language demands in the target academic programmes and drawn implications for the pedagogical practices of a bridging language-across-the-curriculum programme that supports students’ learning through English in tertiary education settings. Additionally, the study has shed light on ways that promote future collaborative planning of integrated language and content learning activities between disciplinary teachers and language teachers.

(From left) Dr Cecilia Pun, Dr Esther Tong and Ms Phoebe Siu