Past Events

QESS Seminar: AI x Ethics

Creating a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment

QESS Seminar: Introduction to Natural Language Processing

CPCECPR Facility Development Sub-Committee Workshop: Advanced Applications of NVivo to Research Projects

QESS Seminar: Introduction to Machine learning, Deep learning - Its Benefits & Success Cases in Teaching and Learning

CPCECPR Facility Development Sub-Committee Workshop: Application of NVivo to Qualitative Research

LC Visiting Professor x CPCECPR Seminar: Making Your Research More Visible & Equitable Through Co-Creative Methodology

CPCECPR Facility Development Sub-Committee Seminar: Leximancer: An alternative choice of doing data analysis in qualitative research

CPCECPR Facility Development Sub-Committee Seminar: MAXQDA: Basic Operation For Qualitative Research Involving Interviews

LC Visiting Professor Public Lecture: Mixed Methods Research: Problems, Pitfalls and Practices

Sharing of IIDS Awardees

LC Visiting Professor workshop series #2: Raising your profile: making your research more visible

CPCE Centre for Pedagogic Research (CPCECPR): Sharing Session on QESS Project Proposal Writing

CPCECPR Research Seminar: Assessment and Feedback Re-Designs for the Generative AI Era

CPCE Centre for Pedagogic Research (CPR): Research Day Camp

LC Visiting Professor workshop series #1: Getting that Grant: Success in Research Funding

CPCECPR FDS Awardee Sharing: Tips for Writing Winning FDS Proposals (Session 2)

CPCECPR FDS Awardee Sharing: Tips for Writing Winning FDS Proposals (Session 1)

Exploring the Impact of Online Class Recordings on Students' Learning Experiences during The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Interview Study

Classroom Interactional Competence and Dialogic Reflection

Applying Research to Teaching: Consolidating Teaching to Research

QESS Research Workshop and CPCE VR Lab Visit

Enhancing Teaching Experience: Understanding Sustainable Tourism through Virtual Reality (VR)

Leveraging the Multimodalities-Entextualization Cycle (MEC) in the EMI Classroom: Validating Students’ Funds of Knowledge and their Expanding Communicative Repertoires

Conceptualizing Disciplinary Literacy in CLIL: Towards an Integrative Model

Nurturing Self-directed Learners with Blended Learning: Why and How

Automated writing, translation and feedback platforms for second language writing teachers

The Impact of Open Class Visits on Language Lecturers: Transferring Technology Use across Teaching Modes

E-Classroom Interactional Competence: Mediating and assisting language learning during synchronous online lessons

Hands-On Workshop on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 4.0 – Pedagogy Application

Complexity is a bliss: Using analytics to support collaborative learning

Automated writing, translation and feedback platforms for second language writing teachers

Closing the loop: Analytics for self-regulated learning

Seminars on Multimodal Learning/Pedagogy

CPCECPR 2nd Annual Conference: Smart Education: Pedagogical Innovation and Learning Analytics

The Core Features of MAXQDA: A Software to be Transparent and Reflexive Researchers

Transform Teaching with High-impact, Technology-integrated Instructional Strategies

Using Cloud-based Software to Simulate Real-world Situations for Teaching Business Subjects

Key Technologies that are really impacting on Teaching and Learning

How to use feedback effectively to improve student learning? A constructivist perspective

Transitioning from Lecturers to Scholars: Coping with Changes and Expanding Interdisciplinary Collaborative Networks for Enhancing Research Productivity

Academic Research in Virtual Reality (VR)

Applying Artificial Intelligence in Assessment

College Students' Meaning in Life

Improving Teaching and Learning by AI Technology - Adaptive Learning

Online teaching and AI technologies: How eye-tracking and head-tracking technologies enable new ways of pedagogic research

How is 3D Printing Used in Education?

Guiding Instructors through Teaching Transitions: Best Practices, Lessons Learned and a Case Study

Using Microsoft Teams for Collaborative Learning

Genres, Information Flow & the Invisible Process of Drafting Made Visible

CPCECPR Conference 2022- Embracing the New Normal of Education: Blending Technology into Pedagogical Design

How to conduct a bibliometric analysis of blended learning?

Start an engaging lecture / tutorial with Microsoft Teams + Microsoft 365 features

Using Screencasts to Teach Science Subjects

Online Collaboration For Design Thinking

Research Opportunities and Knowledge Transfer on the Changing Learning Landscape for a Better New Normal

The Future of MOOCs Post-COVID Pandemic

Blended Learning in the Post COVID-19 Era: Opportunities, Challenges and Good Practices

Design Thinking in Action: Creating Opportunities for Pedagogical Innovation and Research

Experience Sharing of a UGC-funded Teaching & Learning Project on Senior Year Admission Students

Effective Teaching Strategies in Online and Face-to-face Classes

Teacher Seminar Series - Integrating MOOCs into CPCE

Centre for Pedagogic Research (CPCECPR) Opening Ceremony cum Seminar on Nurturing Workplace Skills and Professional Competence via Programme Curriculum Design and Implementation